Coree Brown Swan
Dr Coree Brown Swan is a Lecturer in Comparative Politics at Queen's University Belfast.
Coree Brown Swan's Queen's University Belfast profile: https://pure.qub.ac.uk/en/persons/coree-brown-swan
She is currently working on the ESRC-funded Between Two Unions project, with a focus on institutional dynamics and relations. Her research interests include intergovernmental relations, comparative territorial politics, self-government parties and movements, and qualitative research methods.
Key publications include a co-authored report Reforming Intergovernmental Relations in the United Kingdom (McEwen et al 2018) and Intergovernmental Relations and Parliamentary Scrutiny, prepared for the Devolution (Further Powers) Committee of the Scottish Parliament. (McEwen et al 2015). She has also published chapters on the currency union (Petersohn and Brown Swan, 2015) and the independence question in the Oxford Handbook of Scottish Politics (forthcoming). She has presented her research extensively at academic conferences and at events aimed at public audiences.
Coree convenes a course on Scottish Politics at the University of Edinburgh and has tutored on courses on comparative politics and qualitative research. She also co-convenes the Territorial Politics Research Group and co-organises the Scottish Parliament’s External Experts Panel. Coree completed her MsC and PhD in politics at the University of Edinburgh and her MA in European Studies at Jagiellonian University.