Kirstein Rummery

Policy Challenges and the Future of Scotland, Centre on Constitutional Change
University of Stirling
Professor of Social Policy


I joined the University of Stirling in 2007, having previously worked at the universities of Manchester, Birmingham and Kent. I have carried out funded research for the Department of Health and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, and prior to that I even had a stint in the 'real world' as a residential social worker.

My research interests lie in three broad areas. Firstly, I have written about welfare partnerships and governance, particularly those involving health and social care services, and I am particularly interested in the implications of these arrangements for citizens. Secondly, I am interested in issues concerning citizenship, social participation and access to services, particularly for disabled and older people. My final area of research concerns gender, particularly the way in which welfare policies affect older and disabled women.

I am an active member of the Social Policy Association, serving on the Executive Committee, I sit on the editorial boards of Social Policy and Administration and Policy and Politics and am the outgoing editor of Social Policy Review. I am an activist as well as an academic, and as a disabled academic am a board member of Inclusion Scotland (, as well as a member of the Scottish Women's Budget Group, the Scottish Spokesperson for the Womens Equality Party (

I am currently supervising several PhD students looking at issues of social care, gender and citizenship, but am always interested in applications from potential PhD students interested in gender and political engagement, social citizenship, disability, age, gender, care, access to services, and welfare governance.


Social policy

Posts by this author

Scottish Parliament election reaction

What happened? Where do we go from here?

Kirstein Rummery discusses how this Scottish Parliament will be the most gender diverse in its history. A historic 45% of MSPs are now women, making it the 13th most gender equal Parliament in the world.
20 years devolution

Social Justice in 2014 and Beyond

In her second contribution to the series on twenty years of devolution, Professor Kirstein Rummery addresses the issue of social justice in the run-up and aftermath of the 2014 referendum on independence. She explores the framing of social justice in 2014 and the potential for improvements in the aftermath of the referendum.
20 years devolution

Social Justice in Devolution: A Scottish vision of social justice

In her first contribution to the twenty years of devolution series, Professor Kirstein Rummery (University of Stirling) explores social justice in Scotland in light of devolution. In this week’s blog, she asks whether there was a coherent vision for social justice in the early years of devolution?
Brexit Reflections

Brexit Reflections - When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die

Kirstein Rummery explains that the key to the outcome (as indeed to the independence referendum in 2014) seems to be people’s attitude to risk.

Backwards for gender equality in the new Scottish parliament? Or a new Scottish velvet triangle?

On the face of it, the results of the Scottish Parliament elections on May 5th 2016 do not look promising for gender equality. Overall women now form 35% of Holyrood, exaqctly the same as in 2011, still down from the 2003 high of 40% but the shift to minority government offers some hope for progress.

Holyrood 2016: Gender Equality in Scotland’s Future

That the leaders of Scotland's three largest parties are women has been widely applauded but, says Kirstein Rummery, the news behind the headlines is not so rosy.